Spring Show:
Loveland Athletic Boosters SPRING Arts & Crafts Show
Loveland Primary School, 550 Loveland Madeira Rd, Loveland, OH 45140
Our OUTDOOR Show is the second Saturday in MAY each year at Loveland Primary School. This is an outdoor show.
We have over 100 Artists/Crafters with unique hand crafted items including jewelry, baby items, woodcrafts, candles, dips, seasonings, purses, hats, pottery, Raffle, Spirit Wear
$3 Adult Admission
Free raffle ticket with the donation of a non-perishable food item for LIFE Food Pantry.
To Obtain an Application – you can email lovelandcraftshow@gmail.com or visit our facebook page: https://www.facebook.
com/ LovelandHighSchoolCraftShow
Fall Show:
Loveland Athletic Boosters FALL Arts & Crafts Show
Loveland High School, #1 Tiger Trail, Loveland, Ohio 45140
Our Show is the first Saturday in NOVEMBER each year at Loveland High School. This is an indoor show.
Contact Us: lovelandcraftshow@gmail.
com We have over 200 Artists/Crafters with unique hand crafted items including jewelry, baby items, woodcrafts, candles, dips, seasonings, purses, hats, pottery, Raffle, Spirit Wear
$3 Adult Admission
Free raffle ticket with the donation of a non-perishable food item for LIFE Food Pantry.
To Obtain an Application – you can email lovelandcraftshow@gmail.com or visit our facebook page: https://www.facebook.
com/ LovelandHighSchoolCraftShow