Craft Fair Fall and Spring
Volunteer will be needed to assist with planning. Please submit name to
You are responsible for sharing all emails in a timely manner with your team. If you have questions about communication contact:
Homecoming Parade
LAB finds and assigns all trucks based on team sizes. You will fill out a registration form for each team. Pizza ordering is done via the registration form and supplied by Larosa’s. If your team chooses not to have pizza that is fine. Candy is supplied by the team. Driver food, water and gift is supplied by LAB. Each team will be required to have volunteers to walk along side the vehicles – this does NOT get LAB credit. Each registration form requires one volunteer to be used at a road closure as needed by Parade Coordinator/Police. Questions:
Stress membership and its importance. If you don’t know why it’s important, please ask a board member.
Mulch Sale – Spring
Provide a volunteer to assist with planning. Submit name to
Post sale info on any neighborhood groups.
Parents and athletes will be asked to deliver mulch over the course of one weekend. The more athletes we have the faster this goes. We need trucks and trucks with trailers for delivery purposes.
If your team has concessions, you will need to provide an opener and a closer for the season. They will receive credit for that sport. They do NOT get in free to games. Email names to:
- Stacy Fossitt
- Ronni Liu
Senior Dinners
To qualify for a Senior dinner at Tony’s you must reach 60% in membership before the end of your season. If you have questions about membership standing please reach out to:
You will be notified when you reach the 60%. Do not contact Tony’s until you receive official email with instructions. Typical times/dates are Sunday-Thursday 5:00 or 5:30. Dinner is for seniors only and two coaches. If you need to make arrangements for additional coaches to attend, please reach out to the above email.
Please copy on all scheduling emails with Tony’s.
Senior Night Mom Corsage
LAB provides a flower corsage for each mother on Senior Night. Please use a local florist of your choice with the ideal cost being around $10/corsage (we have done an orange rose with babies breath and ribbon in the past). Please provide the florist with the sport name, number of corsages, date of pick-up along with name of person picking up the order. Reimbursement form for corsage payment can be found under the “Volunteer” option from the top of the homepage of the LAB website.
Senior Paw Painting
LAB organizes and pays for senior paw painting. Be on the lookout for information communicated about this as it is normally a short window of time when painting is allowed.
Tiger Ball
Occurs in the spring each year. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year.
- Collect $5 per athlete for Tiger Ball. This money is used to purchase raffle prizes.
- Please secure one volunteer to assist Tiger Ball Chairs.
- Submit info to
- Every athlete is asked to sell two raffle tickets to Tiger Ball.
- Please push attendance with parents
All parents are required to volunteer two times per athlete per sport. If you athlete plays two sports your volunteer requirement is four times. Two kids – two sports each = 8 spots. If a parent on your team has over 8 spots they need to fulfill, please have them contact as we can possibly help them out. We cannot support our athletes without the support of our parents with concessions and various fundraisers. Volunteers get in free to events.